Cal State LA is part of an ever-expanding social media community, and we invite you to join us.
Through our many networks and pages, you can stay in contact with the greater campus community, learn about upcoming events and activities, and be among the first to hear University news. Please explore the social media accounts listed below. If you would like your Cal State LA social media account to be added to the list, you may submit it to the Office of Communications and Public Affairs.
Cal State LA's Official Social Networks
- Cal State LA on Facebook
- Cal State LA on Twitter
- Cal State LA on Instagram
- Cal State LA on LinkedIn
- Cal State LA on YouTube
University Social Media Accounts
Centers and Institutes
- Center for Engagement, Service, and the Public Good on Facebook
- Pat Brown Institute for Public Affairs on Facebook
- College of Arts and Letters on Facebook
- College of Business and Economics on Facebook
- Charter College of Education on Facebook
- College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology on Facebook
- College of Ethnic Studies on Facebook
- Rongxiang Xu College of Health and Human Services on Facebook
- College of Natural and Social Sciences on Facebook
- College of Professional and Global Education on Facebook
- The Honors College on Facebook
- Department of Chicana(o) and Latina(o) Studies on Facebook
- Department of English on Facebook
- Department of Pan-African Studies on Facebook
- Department of Theatre and Dance on Facebook
- American Communities Program on Facebook
- Educational Technology on Facebook
- Master of Science in Counseling, School Psychology on Facebook
- MFA in Television, Film, and Theatre on Facebook
- National and International Scholarships and Fellowships Program on Facebook
Student Life and Services
- Associated Students, Inc. on Facebook
- Athletics (LA Golden Eagles) on Facebook
- Cal State LA Library on Facebook
- Career Development Center on Facebook
- Housing and Residence Life on Facebook
- Student Life on Facebook
- University Bookstore on Facebook
Centers and Institutes
- Center for Effective Teaching and Learning on Twitter
- Center for Engagement, Service, and the Public Good on Twitter
- Pat Brown Institute for Public Affairs on Twitter
- Sikand SITI Center on Twitter
- College of Arts and Letters on Twitter
- College of Business and Economics on Twitter
- Charter College of Education on Twitter
- College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology on Twitter
- College of Ethnic Studies on Twitter
- Rongxiang Xu College of Health and Human Services on Twitter
- College of Natural and Social Sciences on Twitter
- College of Professional and Global Education on Twitter
- Department of Biological Sciences on Twitter
- Department of Pan-African Studies on Twitter
- Department of Physics and Astronomy on Twitter
- Admissions on Twitter
- Graduate Studies on Twitter
- Information Technology Services on Twitter
- International Office on Twitter
- Parking and Transportation Services on Twitter
- Undergraduate Studies on Twitter
- School of Criminal Justice and Criminalistics on Twitter
- School of Kinesiology, Nutrition and Food Science on Twitter
Student Life and Services
- Associated Students, Inc. on Twitter
- Athletics (LA Golden Eagles) on Twitter
- Cal State LA Library on Twitter
- Career Development Center on Twitter
- Center for Student Involvement on Twitter
- Housing and Residence Life on Twitter
- New Student and Family Programs on Twitter
- Student Life on Twitter
- Veterans Resource Center on Twitter
- Alumni Association on Instagram
- Cal State LA Black Alumni Network on Instagram
- Cal State LA Nursing Alumni Network on Instagram
Centers and Institutes
- Center for Engagement, Service, and the Public Good on Instagram
- Center for the Study of Genders and Sexualities on Instagram
- Pat Brown Institute for Public Affairs on Instagram
- College of Arts and Letters on Instagram
- College of Business and Economics on Instagram
- Charter College of Education on Instagram
- College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology on Instagram
- College of Ethnic Studies on Instagram
- Rongxiang Xu College of Health and Human Services on Instagram
- College of Natural and Social Sciences on Instagram
- College of Professional and Global Education on Instagram
- The Honors College on Instagram
- Department of Chicana(o) and Latina(o) Studies on Instagram
- Department of Child and Family Studies on Instagram
- Department of Liberal Studies on Instagram
- Department of Modern Languages and Literatures on Instagram
- Department of Pan-African Studies on Instagram
- Department of Theatre and Dance on Instagram
- Graduate Studies on Instagram
- Information Technology Services on Instagram
- Parking and Transportation Services on Instagram
- School of Criminal Justice and Criminalistics on Instagram
- School of Kinesiology, Nutrition and Food Science on Instagram